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We'll Do It Live!

Pardon me a moment while I preach to the choir.

An NPR station in Washington State will no longer carry the orange maggot's press conferences live from the White House. Instead, they will monitor and report only that which is factual and responsible in them. Basically, they're choosing not broadcast the man-child's campaign rallies which, more than usual, pose an imminent threat to us all.

I get that some people are going to disagree with this and many of them will go bat-shit crazy while forgetting that:

  1. This is one NPR station making an editorial choice as news organizations should.
  2. Fox doesn't often carry Democratic campaign rallies or news conferences live.
  3. The briefings are available elsewhere.
  4. The First Amendment doesn't require live coverage of Presidential briefings.

The station announced its decision on Twitter and read the tweet. I have long ago deleted my account but forgot two things:

  1. Never read the replies to any tweet.
  2. Visiting Twitter is swimming in a cesspool.

As I do often these days, I washed my hands thoroughly, this time mostly to wash my hands of Twitter, the hoi-polloi, and the maggot. I probably needed a shower.

Andrew Cuomo's briefings have been a comfort for me, but I didn't watch him live today. I read about it after the face and was fully informed.

Perhaps the maggot followers can't read more than a tweet. That or they're just out of their minds and have been for a long time.

This concludes my preaching to the choir. We now rejoin our regularly scheduled live briefing already in progress.

This post's title comes from one of television's most beautiful moments.